What Is Involved In Bookkeeping?

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Bookkeeping is a lot of tedious data entry, but it is essential to running any business successfully. Bookkeeping is the process of recording and organizing all of the financial transactions that occur in a business on a daily basis. Each transaction needs to be categorized and noted in the corresponding journal. These journals are then used to create the General Ledger. The General Ledger is used to prepare the trial balance, which is used to produce the financial statements. Financial Statements are very important to decision making. This is because they illustrate what is going on in your business,

including where money is being earned, where it is being spent, and where there may be areas to improve on. If you cannot see that one particular area of your business is costing way more than any other, you cannot potentially make adjustments to fix it.

The first step in effective bookkeeping is setting up systems to help you track all your business’s financial information. This can be as simple as signing up for a QuickBooks Online account and linking your accounts to it. Every financial transaction should be recorded with information including when it happened, who was involved, and how much money was exchanged. This will make it easier to follow how your money is moving through your company.

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